Getting started on the OTL website

For new instructors at Wayne State, navigating the University can be intimidating.  Here are some suggestions to help new instructors get started. Click on the links below to find useful information about many topics related to teaching.  

How do I... 

…find out the classroom to which I've been assigned? 

…use the Wayne State Library e-reserve system? 

…find out about the Early Assessment grades for students? 

…find out about grading standards for the university? 

…submit final grades to the Registrar? 

…get examination copies of textbooks? 

…place textbook orders? 

What is the policy on… 

…making reference on my syllabus to policies about accommodations for students with disabilities? 

…student conduct services? privacy rights of students (i.e., Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act, FERPA) 

…student plagiarism? 

Where can I get more information about… 

...classroom technology support? 

…support for Canvas? for part-time instructors? 

…resources for students having difficulty in my course? 

...disruptive or distressed students? 

…resources for international instructors? 

...setting behavioral expectations with students? 

...Student Evaluation of Teaching (SET)? 

…computer assistance services? 

…Microsoft Office software? 

…WSU's research assistance resources? 

…testing services offered by WSU? 

…discount and free software available to WSU faculty and students? 

…online course development? 

…WSU's public safety policies and procedures? safety? 

…copyright issues on course materials? 

…WSU's career assistance for students? 

…university academic advising for students? 

…student organizations? 

…student campus life?