Online Course Quality Program

Goal and summary

The goal of the Online Course Quality Fellows Program is to build and document high quality online learning experiences for WSU students by engaging faculty as partners in the Quality Assurance (QA) review process. The Provost's Office has tasked the OTL with coordinating 10 Faculty Fellows to create and implement a pilot Quality Assurance program for online courses using Quality Matters. Each fellow is expected to work with together as a cohort, complete required training, and individually review 5 courses per year and will receive compensation valued up to $5000.

Pilot timeline

  • Summer 2023 Identify candidates for first Faculty Fellows cohort
  • Nov 2023 - May 2024 Fellows complete training and certification
  • August 2024 Launch search for courses to be reviewed
  • Fall 2024 Collect baseline information on courses to be reviewed, Fellows finalize review process
  • Early Winter 25 Pilot first batch of course reviews

Details of the program

To ensure online course design and instruction is of a consistent quality to benefit our students, the Office for Teaching and Learning (OTL) seeks to collaborate with faculty partners to engage in course peer review using internationally recognized standards.

Experienced online instructors will apply to serve as reviewers for their peers' courses as part of a Faculty Fellow model. Once identified, Fellows will be trained in Quality Matters, the internationally recognized standards, and participate in OTL training, and serve for at least 2 academic years. Fellows can expect to spend approximately 10 hours per week for the duration of the fellowship. 

Applications to be a Faculty Fellow closed on June 1, 2023.

Applications to have courses reviewed in the program will be available late summer 2024.

Inaguaral Fellows

Lauren Budrow, Assistant Professor (Clinical), Mortuary Science, Eugene Applebaum College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences 

Frank Goeddeke, Assistant Professor (Teaching), Management, Mike Illich School of Business 

Fay Keys, Associate Professor (Clinical) and Education Technology Coordinator, School of Social Work; Member, Academy of Teachers 

Christine Kivlen, Assistant Professor (Clinical), Occupational Therapy, Eugene Applebaum College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences 

Norma Love-Schropshire, Assistant Professor (Teaching) and Bachelor of Social Work Program Director, School of Social Work; Member, Academy of Teachers 

Rachel Mahas, Assistant Professor and Master of Public Health Program Director, Family Medicine and Public Health Sciences, School of Medicine 

Douglas Risner, Distinguished Faculty Fellow, Professor of Dance and Director of MA in Teaching Artistry, Maggie Allesee Department of Theatre and Dance, College of Fine, Performing, and Communication Arts; Member, Academy of Teachers 

Elizabeth Stoycheff, Associate Professor, Communication, College of Fine, Performing, and Communication Arts 

Sally Villasenor, Assistant Professor (Clinical) and Program Coordinator of Graduate Certificate in Nursing Education, Nursing, College of Nursing 

Laurel Whalen, Assistant Professor (Teaching) and Program Coordinator of Sport Management and Administration; Kinesiology, Health, and Sports Studies; College of Education