Teaching Circles

The OTL hosts several teaching circles to cultivate engagement and collaboration related to teaching and learning.  The teaching circles consist of a small group of faculty (5-12 members), who meet regularly throughout the year to explore teaching and learning issues in a collaborative and meaningful way. They provide an opportunity for faculty/instructors to exchange ideas and learn from each other. They also support instructors in learning about, implementing, and assessing evidence-based teaching methods. Each teaching circle is hosted in a Microsoft Team collaboration space to allow members to ask questions and share ideas between meetings. To join a group click on the title. 

Artificial Intelligence Pedagogy Teaching Circle

The rise in popularity of AI tools like ChatGPT (text-to-text) and Dall-E 2 (text-to-graphics) have put the education field on notice. While many focus on the negative aspects tied to AI and classroom pedagogy, there are many beneficial aspects for incorporating AI when it comes to course assignments, assessments, and instruction. This teaching circle will bring faculty members together to discuss  AI classroom pedagogy and its impact on and future in higher education. These will occur approximately once a month and meet hybrid (you can either come to Purdy/Kresge 244 or join virtually via Teams). 

Community-engaged Learning Teaching Circle

Part of our mission at Wayne State University is to positively impact local communities through meaningful engagement and outreach, including community-engaged learning. Community-engaged learning, which also encompasses service-learning, offers students a unique opportunity to get involved within the community to connect their classroom learning to real-world issues, experiences, and initiatives. These experiences help students develop a sense of social responsibility and cultural competence. If you have experience with community-engaged learning or want to learn more about it, this teaching circle is for you. Join us for rich discussion around community-engaged learning.

Hyflex Teaching Circle

HyFlex is the combination of "hybrid" and "flexible" and creates a learning experience that integrates face-to-face and online synchronous teaching modalities simultaneously. The HyFlex teaching circle is a place where you can ask questions concerning HyFlex pedagogy and technology and receive answers from colleagues, the OTL, and classroom support. We also have optional monthly meetings where we will discuss the latest HyFlex pedagogy, keep current with HyFlex classroom technology implementations, and address any concerns around HyFlex teaching.

Large Lecture Faculty Teaching Circle

The Large Lecture Faculty Teaching Circle (LLFTC) specifically looks at issues that arise in courses with very high enrollment and the unique challenges that environment presents. 

Less Grading, More Learning Teaching Circle

Do you ever dread grading students' work? Do you feel that grades are meaningless? Do you ever get frustrated when students ask about points, grades, and extra credit? And on the flip side: Do you wish students would just be eager to learn (instead of thinking about grades)? If you are interested in discussing these questions and find out more about alternative assessment methods, join us!

Representation, Equity, and Justice Teaching Circle

To be Warrior Strong requires us to engage every Warrior from every background. As a premier urban institution, Wayne State University has a diverse student body with unique challenges and opportunities. The goal of this OTL Teaching Circle is to turn WSU's commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) into concrete actions in our classrooms. Instructors in this Teaching Circle will dedicate three hours a month to engaging with issues of DEI and discussing future best practices with colleagues. Creating equitable classroom environments is an ongoing process that requires conversations and community, and this is the OTL space for those conversations. We welcome instructors at all levels. 

Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL) Teaching Circle

Are you curious how you might transform your teaching into research? It may be easier than you think! The Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL) applies the researcher's curiosity to their own classroom through structured inquiry into student learning. An important aspect of SoTL is to publicize any new discoveries to contribute to the discourse around teaching in higher ed. If you are interested in discussing these questions and finding out more about SoTL, bring your questions and ideas and join us!