Faculty Teaching Travel Grant

The Faculty Teaching Travel Grant (FTTG) Program is designed to help Wayne State University's faculty members participate in or present at conferences, workshops, and other professional development activities that expose faculty to the latest pedagogical research related to effective teaching, and which also supports the teaching mission of the university. 

Eligibility and application types

As indicated in Wayne State University's 2022-2027 Strategic Plan, best practices in teaching and learning are important to student success. To provide support for faculty in this regard, the Faculty Teaching Travel Grant (FTTG) Program is designed to help our faculty participate in or present at conferences, workshops, and other professional development activities that support our teaching mission.

FTTG eligibility

Full-time faculty members (Professor, Associate Professor, Assistant Professor, Instructor, Lecturer, Senior lecturer, and Research/Clinical Faculty with teaching responsibilities) and Part-Time Faculty are eligible.

The FTTG program may provide up to $1200, which can be used for transportation costs (airfare, railroad tickets, or driving mileage allowance, as appropriate), hotel and conference registration fees, meals and other expenses permitted under the university's travel policy. The FTTG Program is also designed to provide financial support for professional travel that cannot be funded from other sources, such as, departmental budgets or grants that do not include funding for such purposes.

Application types

There are two (2) types of FTTG applications. 

Travel type #1 – Presenting your work on teaching & learning at a conference or event

(Maximum $1200, no department or college match required)

The faculty member plans to present (or show or perform, as appropriate) evidence-based Scholarship of Teaching and Learning work (SoTL), as it relates to the teaching and learning of Wayne State University students, at a professional conference or similar setting. (More information about the SoTL can be found at: www.issotl.com). 

Travel type #2 – Attending a teaching & learning conference or event

(Maximum $800, 1:2 department or college match required / up to $800 for a $400 match from the department or college)

The faculty member plans to travel to a higher education teaching-learning conference, workshop, or teaching development activity in order to learn and develop as a faculty educator. 

Application procedure

To begin the application process, you should have an updated profile in TravelWayne prior to requesting a Faculty Teaching Travel Grant. Funds may be used for foreign or domestic travel. To apply, download the editable PDF application form.  After the form is downloaded and edited, save the form to your computer, and then send it to: faculty.travel@wayne.edu at least six weeks before the proposed travel. All applications must have the subject line: "Faculty Teaching Development Travel Grants." Recipients will be notified within eight weeks about their application and all funds must be spent and reimbursement paperwork filed by the end of the current fiscal year (September 30th).

Travel type #1 application

(Maximum $1200, no department or college match required)

  1. Complete the Faculty Teaching Travel Grant Application. Faculty are strongly encouraged to consider departmental, college, and the university teaching mission and objectives in their description and to describe how their individual goals and objectives align with institutional objectives and challenges.
  2. Provide official documentation that the work has been accepted for presentation.
  3. A brief budget and justification for the travel expenses, including a list of any other funding sources to help support the travel.

Travel type #2 application

(Maximum $800, 1:2 department or college match required / up to $800 for a $400 match from the department or college)

  1. Complete the Faculty Teaching Travel Grant Application. Faculty are strongly encouraged to consider departmental, college, and the university teaching mission and objectives in their description and to describe how their individual goals and objectives align with institutional objectives and challenges.
  2. A copy of the proposed detailed budget and justification for the travel expenses, including a list of any other funding sources to help support the travel.
  3. A statement from the faculty member's chair or dean guaranteeing partial support for the activity.


We have provided a follow-up summary template for you to download and use, as well as a brief overview containing information about eligibility and the application process for you to download and peruse.